Meet Baltazar Santacruz

Baltazar is 28 years old and was born and raised in Monterey Bay, California. Baltazar indicates that high school was definitely rough, however, college for Mr. Santacruz was a pleasant experience. He graduated with a 4.2 GPA and even took extra classes.  He is currently doing freelance culinary jobs. Baltazar has been homeless for 16 years, with no support from his family, and says he faces additional challenges being an openly gay male. He is willing to do all kinds of work and jobs that would be offered to him. He has agreed to work directly for PHPINLA cleaning streets and painting graffiti.

Mr. Santacruz would  like the site to know he is strong minded and will be successful. “Success stories don’t start with saying, I gave up!” Being homeless has made him smile and humble. He is grateful, determined, and is also interested in helping other people facing homelessness.

His best skills are:
Creates with hands