Our Partners

PHPINLA has fortunately had tremendous support and generosity from several partners who empathize with the cause and look to support our efforts in anyway they can. Outlined below are just a few of our network of key partners and supporters, which include local businesses, medical specialists, prospective employers, and others. If you are interested in becoming a partner please contact us at (310)569-5689. Thank you.

Dr. Jack Li – Chiropractic Services
Dr. Li has agreed to provide discounted services for any of the individuals in our network or any homeless that require his expertise. PHPINLA will subsidize and pay for the remainder of the cost beyond the discounted price so that Dr. Li’s services are ultimately free to use for those that need and lack the resources to individually seek out that care. Please contact us at the above number directly if you are someone in need of Dr. Li’s services so that we may directly assist you in coordinating an appointment with his office.

Dr. Raed Moustafa – Doctor

Dr. Raed is originally from New York where he practiced as a clinician before moving to California in the recent months where he hopes to continue his career in Los Angeles. Dr. Raed reached out to PHPINLA after seeing one of our several postings online and was eager to determine how he can be a part of the project and support our efforts and vision. He has agreed to help with any and all medical cases or situations we encounter on the ground and has already provided consultation on a few key cases where he has been incredibly responsive and supportive. Dr. Raed has agreed to see patients wherever convenient to them, given the lack of transportation and accessibility/commutability for some of the homeless. Please contact us at the above number if you are in need of Dr. Raed’s expertise and we will directly coordinate his assistance.

NannoCare – www.nannocare.com – Creator of NannoPads
NannoCare is a company headed by Paul Van Kleef and Alex Nunez, two successful entrepreneurs who were looking to create an innovative product for women’s health as it relates to menstrual pain and discomfort. They have developed and released their NannoPad product that effectively reduces menstrual pain, cramping and discomfort through their patented nanotechnology. NannoCare has agreed to provide PHPINLA with as many free pads as it needs for the female members of its network and any women we encounter on the streets that could benefit from their incredible product and technology.