Our Efforts & Gallery

PHP aims to provide basic support to the broader homeless community as well as more comprehensive support to individual extreme cases that are that are identified through our day-to-day support and profiling efforts. The below two sections outline those broad efforts (with pictures of those efforts in “Our Gallery”) as well as some select notable cases where more comprehensive support has been provided.

Broad Distribution & Support Efforts

Delivered over 300 meals across West LA, Hollywood and Downtown LA (mostly cold sandwiches and bottles of water)

Delivered over 50 mini-meal care packages with crackers, Vienna sausages, tuna, and bottles of water

Delivered over 100 hygiene care packages that included basic hygiene necessities such as shaving cream and blades/razors, toothbrushes and toothpaste, deodorant, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, mouthwash, soap, lotion, and other basic items

Delivered over 50 items of clothing including shoes, socks, t-shirts, jeans, undergarments, sweaters among others

Delivered over 30 sleeping bags and blankets (including thermal blankets)

Helped educate many homeless individuals who were addicts and seeking help on rehab options available to them. Transported and checked-in many of those willing to seek immediate help.

Provided information support (primary related to social services and security) as well as connected many individuals with the appropriate representatives (by contacting those individuals ourselves and by allowing the homeless the use of the charity cell phone)

Please see Our Gallery below for pictures of our above efforts

Notable Efforts & Case Studies

Angela Davis: Author, Public Speaker, Domestic Violence Advocate
Email: [email protected]
Her Book: Restoration: Revolving Doors

Book Cover Angela Davis                 Picture of Angela Davis

Angela Davis is a single mother of three teenage children (father of the family is deceased), who relocated here from East Baltimore to pursue her dreams as a writer and tv-show host. Ms. Davis is an accomplished writer with one already published book which is her autobiography called “Restoration: Revolving Doors”. Since arriving in LA, Mrs. Davis has gone through some hard times while trying to provide for and support her teenage children, who all attend school in Hollywood. Ms. Davis was hired by PHP to act as Director of Operations to provide the on the ground support and leadership to the homeless community. Ms. Davis has been exceptional in the role in spreading hope, love and support to others in difficult circumstances. PHP recently was successfully able to help Mrs. Davis in securing an apartment for her and her children by endorsing her application and by providing secure income through the incredible work she does for the charity.

Mr. Bassam Asfour

Picture of Bassam Asfour

Mr. Bassam was an elderly man in his 50s with pretty bad schizophrenia. Originally from Boston where his sister and mother looked after him, but one day somehow got on a plane to LA by himself, and when he got here he lost all his identification and was stranded in LA. We bumped into him on the streets while handing out care packages and got his sister’s phone number. She told us her and her mother have been very anxious/stressed about him being on the streets in LA and didn’t know how to get him back. We had to coordinate with TSA over a week and a half trying to figure out alternative arrangements and ultimately got them to agree to special circumstances and required a doctor’s note which we got from the hospital and got his sister to agree to send his original birth certificate and expired passport (only IDs they had) to my house. Successfully got him back to Boston after two weeks or so of coordination between all parties. Family was incredibly grateful for being reunited with their son and brother.

Mrs. Natasha Peterson


Mrs. Natasha Peterson was an elderly woman who had a severely fractured leg (fractures in two places) as well as fluid trapped in her joints and was unable to walk when PHP found her on the streets. We took her to Cedars Sinai Hospital who ran a bunch of tests on her but determined that since her condition is a chronic one they weren’t allowed to help her beyond the basic tests and support they provided. They agreed (through coordinating with the social worker at Cesars) to have her transferred to LA County Hospital via an ambulance, where they performed the surgery on her. Surgery took three hours and she went into cardiac arrest and was unresponsive for a period of time, but thankfully was ultimately OK and is on her way to a full recovery. Was incredibly grateful to the charity’s support as she indicated that she has 3 sons in Philadelphia who have struggled or refused to help her with her difficult circumstances.

Mrs. Natasha Peterson after her recovery
