Willie Griffin is 63 year old male born and raised in Los Angeles, after graduating high school he completed four years of college successfully acquiring his diploma in business. He became depressed and unfortunately was not able to afford living expenses as his only income was a monthly social security cheque. Mr. Griffin’s last job was working for an attorney’s office in which he retired from in 2017. His parents have both passed away and he does not have any other support systems. Willie is very approachable and kind, despite having a very difficult time living on the streets he feels very vulnerable after having his things stolen from him and is just in need of some structure. He really hopes to get off of the streets and back on his feet, he is willing to do any work to do so. For now, he is seeking a tent, a tote bag to keep his belongings safe, and some shoes.
Located at 1500 Selma and IVAR Ave. Between 8am and 12pm.