Meet Tyler Watkins

Tyler Watkins is a 49 year old male born in Orange County and raised in Inglewood, California. He was sent to reform school by his parents and despite being dyslexic he loves reading and managed to graduate from Utah High School. In College he began to struggle after enrolling in a LLCC honors program he transferred to UCLA and decided to study religion. Mr.Watkins has been homeless for about three years, his last job was an uber driver in 2016 but due to an unfortunate accident he was robbed and his car was stolen. He has been preforming as the Joker and writing for about two years. Tyler doesn’t get along with his family and his dad does not respect him, he understands he is old enough to be independent and hopes to pursue a career as a spiritual advisor. His current focus is finding a place to live when he is stable and off the streets, he is willing to take his make up off and do any job that will get him out of the place he is in. Mr.Watkins is in desperate need of dental care.
Mr.Watkins tells People Helping People “Sometimes when people are older, simple things like knowing ones worth can be measured by one persons care” Love, Joker.

His best skills are:
Voice over